File #: 24-0541    Version: 1
Type: Consent
In control: City Council/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority/Parking Authority Concurrent
Final action:
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Vicinity Map, 2. Attachment B - Pre-Qualified Bidders List, 3. Attachment C - Professional Services Contract




recommended action



It is recommended that the City Council approve a motion to:


1.                     Approve findings pursuant to Stockton Municipal Code section 3.68.070 in support of an exception to the competitive bidding process.


2.                     Approve and establish the Pre-Qualified Construction Contractor Bidders List for the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool, Project No. CR18020.


3.                     Award a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $607,706 to Roebbelen Construction Management Services, Inc. of El Dorado Hills, CA, for construction management services for the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool, Project No. CR18020.


It is also recommended that the City Manager be authorized to take appropriate and necessary actions to carry out the purpose and intent of this motion.





Victory Park is located on the west side of Pershing Avenue between Acacia Street and Picardy Drive and measures over 22 acres (Attachment A). The Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool project will demolish the existing pool and restroom/mechanical building and will be replaced with a new pool, spray-ground, restroom/mechanical building, and parking lot. The existing basketball court will also be demolished, and a new one will be constructed east of the existing tennis ball court.

The project was included in the 2020-25 Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) with project funding from Measure M Strong Communities funds, SB129, and SB179 grant funds.


On February 28, 2024, the City received five pre-qualification packages from prospective construction contractors bidding for the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool project.  It is recommended that Council approve a motion establishing the Pre-Qualified Construction Contractor Bidders List for the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool project.


On March 13, 2024, the City received four proposals for construction management services for the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool project. It is recommended that Council approve a motion authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Contract to Roebbelen Construction Management Services, Inc. (Roebbelen), the most qualified and highest ranked firm, in the amount of $607,706.






Victory Park is located on the west side of Pershing Avenue between Acacia Street and Picardy Drive (Attachment A).  Victory Park measures over 22 acres and includes the Haggin Museum and rose garden, a basketball court, baseball diamonds, tennis courts, a children’s playground, Fire Station No. 6, and a swimming pool. The current swimming pool has been closed since 2013 due to building code deficiencies and repairs exceeding replacement costs. The existing pool site will be demolished, and a new swimming pool, spray-ground, restroom/mechanical building, and parking lot will be constructed in its place. The existing basketball court will also be demolished, and a new one will be constructed east of the existing tennis ball court.


The project was included in the 2020-25 Five-Year CIP with project funding from Measure M Strong Communities funds, SB129, and SB179 grant funds.


On May 24, 2022, by Motion No. 2022-05-24-1221, Council awarded a Professional Services Contract to Studio W Architects of Sacramento, CA, for design of the Aquatic Facilities Renovation and Replacement - Victory Park Pool project.  Design is anticipated to be completed by the end of June 2024.


Present Situation


A pre-qualification list would ensure future bidders meet minimum qualification requirements, have financial stability, and demonstrate a high standard for personnel and site safety. Prospective bidders would have to meet the following pre-qualification criteria in order to bid the project: 


1.                     Demonstration of similar project experience.

2.                     Meet bonding capacity and insurance requirements.

3.                     Meet financial requirements.

4.                     Company business history and organizational performance.

5.                     Company’s compliance with safety, workers compensation, prevailing wage, and apprenticeship laws.

6.                     Satisfactory reference check on two previously completed projects.


On January 31, 2024, the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool, Project No. CR18020 was advertised for contractors to submit a pre-qualification package for the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool project. On February 28, 2024, five pre-qualification packages were received from the following firms:


1.                     AMG & Associates, Inc. (Santa Clarita, CA)

2.                     Tricon Construction, Inc. (Rancho Cordova, CA)

3.                     CWS Construction Group, Inc. (Novato, CA)

4.                     Saboo, Inc. (Brentwood, CA)

5.                     Zovich Construction (Brentwood, CA)


A Review Committee reviewed the pre-qualification packages and determined four contractors meet the minimum requirements. Saboo, Inc. of Brentwood, CA, did not meet the requirement for having similar project experience with a minimum project value of $7,000,000.  It is recommended that Council approve a motion approving and establishing the Pre-Qualified Construction Contractor Bidders List for the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool, Project No. CR18020 (Attachment B). 


On February 16, 2024, the City advertised a Request for Proposals (RFP) for construction management services for the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool, Project No. CR18020.  On March 13, 2024, four proposals were received from the following firms:


                     CSG Consultants (Sacramento, CA)

                     Kleinfelder, Inc. (Stockton, CA)

                     Roebbelen (El Dorado Hills, CA)

                     Salaber Associates, Inc. (Rancho Cordova, CA)


The Selection Committee evaluated the proposals based on each firm’s understanding of work, experience with similar kinds of projects, staff qualifications, technical ability, project approach, cost, and local preference.


Roebbelen received the highest ranking, based on the noted criteria, and was determined to be the most qualified and highest-ranked firm for this project.  Staff negotiated a fee in the amount of $607,706 with Roebbelen for construction management services for the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool project.  The negotiated fee is approximately nine percent of the cost of construction, which is reasonable for a project of this size and complexity. It is recommended that Council approve a motion authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $607,706 to Roebbelen (Attachment C).




Pursuant to Stockton Municipal Code (SMC) section 3.68.070, Council may approve findings which support an exception to the competitive bidding process. These findings include:


1.                     The City does not have sufficient staff resources to perform the necessary construction management services for this project.


2.                     Use of the RFP process is appropriate for this Professional Services Contract because it relies on the evaluation of professional qualifications and performance as the basis for selection of a vendor. Use of the criteria helps ensure selection of a vendor that will provide the highest quality professional service, which is in the public interest.


3.                     The City negotiated a contract following solicitation of competitive proposals in accordance with SMC section 3.68.070.A.3. 




There is sufficient funding in the Aquatic Facilities Renovations - Victory Park Pool, Project No. CR18020, to award a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $607,706 to Roebbelen for the project.


There is no impact to the City’s General Fund or any other unrestricted fund as a result of taking the recommended actions.


Attachment A - Vicinity Map

Attachment B - Pre-Qualified Bidders List

Attachment C - Professional Services Contract