recommended action
It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution to:
1. Transfer funds in the amount of $508,000 from the Street Light Pole Replacement FY 2023-24 SB1, Project No. WD24006, to the Streetlight Knockdown Repairs Phase 8, Project No. WD24041.
2. Approve Notice of Exemption No. NOE31-24 under the California Environmental Quality Act for the Streetlight Knockdown Repairs Phase 8, Project No. WD24041.
3. Approve the plans and specifications for the Streetlight Knockdown Repairs Phase 8, Project No. WD24041.
4. Award a Construction Contract in the amount of $371,105 to St. Francis Electric, LLC of San Leandro, CA, for the Streetlight Knockdown Repairs Phase 8, Project No. WD24041.
It is also recommended that the City Manager be authorized to take appropriate and necessary actions to carry out the purpose and intent of this resolution.
Streetlight poles are installed close to the roadway and are occasionally struck by motor vehicles, resulting in toppled poles or “knockdowns.” The Streetlight Knockdown Repairs project will remove and replace 40 streetlights and two traffic signal poles that were damaged by automobile accidents at various locations citywide (Attachment A).
On July 11, 2024, the City received five bids for this project. It is recommended that Council award a Construction Contract to the lowest responsive bidder, St. Francis Electric, LLC, in the amount of $371,105. It is also recommended that Council adopt a resolution approving Notice of Exemption No. NOE31-24 under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and approving the plans and specifications for the project. Construction is anticipated to begin and be completed by spring 2025, weather permitting.
The City is responsible for the operation and maintenance of approximately 19,000 streetlights. The majority of these streetlights are mounted on galvanized poles. Streetlight poles are installed close to the roadway and are occasionally struck by motor vehicles, resulting in toppled poles or “knockdowns.” The cost to replace a foundation, pole, and fixture has increased significantly in the last five years. Depending on the severity of the damage to the foundation base and wiring, repair costs range between $5,000 and $20,000 per knockdown. The City has an average of 75 such incidents annually. The City attempts to recover damage expenses when there is a police report identifying the responsible party.
The Streetlight Knockdown Repairs project will remove and replace 40 streetlights and two traffic signal poles that were damaged by automobile accidents at various locations citywide (Attachment A).
On July 26, 2016, Council adopted a Community Workforce and Training Agreement (CWTA). The CWTA became effective August 25, 2016, and applies to all Public Works projects over $1 million that are bid after that date. On July 16, 2019, by Motion No. 2019-07-16-1403, Council extended the CWTA term to August 25, 2024. On August 20, 2024, by Motion No. 2024-08-20-1203, Council extended the CWTA term to August 25, 2029. The CWTA was not applied to this project as the estimated construction cost is less than $1 million.
Present Situation
On June 12, 2024, the Streetlight Knockdown Repairs Phase 8, Project No. WD24041, was advertised for bids. On July 11, 2024, five bids were received with the following results:
(local preference applied)
St. Francis Electric, LLC $371,105.00 $371,105.00
(San Leandro, CA)
Star Energy Management, Inc. $431,905.85 $431,905.85
(Oroville, CA)
Ray’s Electric $621,231.00 $621,231.00
(Oakland, CA)
PTM General Engineering $668,068.00 $668,068.00
(Riverside, CA)
Bockman & Woody Electric $757,700.00 $719,815.00
(Stockton, CA)
Engineer’s Estimate $568,000
The requirements of Stockton Municipal Code (SMC) section 3.68.090, Local Business Preference, apply to this project. Application of the Local Business Preference has no effect on the bid order. The Local Employment Ordinance, SMC section 3.68.095, also applies to this contract.
The bid from St. Francis Electric, LLC, the lowest responsive bidder, is regular in all respects and has the proper license to perform the work. It is recommended that Council approve the plans and specifications for the project and award a Construction Contract to St. Francis Electric, LLC of San Leandro, CA, in the amount of $371,105. The transfer of funds will allow staff to include additional knockdown locations within the contract change order authority.
The project is in conformance with the City’s General Plan, pursuant to California Government Code, section 65402, and is categorically exempt from the requirements of CEQA as specified under Section 15301(c) of the CEQA Guidelines. As a result, the project has been granted a Categorical Exemption. The activities related to this project constitute a discretionary project under the City’s jurisdiction and qualifies as a project that does not have a significant effect on the environment. The resolution will approve the filing of Notice of Exemption No. NOE31-24 under CEQA. Construction is anticipated to begin and be completed by spring 2025, weather permitting.
With the transfer of funds in the amount of $508,000 from the Street Light Pole Replacement FY 2023-24 SB1, Project No. WD24006, to the Streetlight Knockdown Repairs Phase 8, Project No. WD24041, there will be sufficient funding to award a Construction Contract to St. Francis Electric, LLC in the amount of $371,105, including change order authority.
There is no impact to the City’s General Fund or any other unrestricted fund as a result of taking the recommended actions.
Attachment A - Vicinity Map