recommended action
It is recommended that the City Council approve a motion to:
1. Authorize the City Manager to execute Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 2 in the amount of $200,673 with Siegfried Engineering, Inc. for additional design services and to extend the contract expiration date to June 30, 2026, for the Lincoln Road Sewer Trunk Rehabilitation, Project No. UW21018.
It is also recommended that the City Manager be authorized to take appropriate and necessary actions to carry out the purpose and intent of this motion.
On March 9, 2021, by Resolution No. 2021-03-09-1204, Council authorized the award of a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $231,000 to Siegfried Engineering, Inc. of Stockton, CA, for design services of the Lincoln Road Sewer Trunk Rehabilitation, Project No. UW21018. The project was included in the 2020-25 Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).
On December 28, 2023, Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 1 was administratively approved by the City Manager to extend the contract expiration date from December 31, 2023, to December 31, 2025. Siegfried Engineering, Inc. submitted a proposal for additional design serves required to complete the project. Staff negotiated Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 2 in the amount of $200,673 to extend design support services.
It is recommended that Council approve a motion authorizing the City Manager to execute Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 2 in the amount of $200,673 with Siegfried Engineering, Inc. for additional design services and to extend the contract expiration date to June 30, 2026, for the Lincoln Road Sewer Trunk Rehabilitation, Project No. UW21018.
The Municipal Utilities Department (MUD) has implemented a Condition Assessment Program for the City’s sewer infrastructure comprised of Closed-Circuit Televised Video inspection, pipe cleaning, and engineering evaluation. This program generates a prioritized list of sewer replacement and/or rehabilitation projects for inclusion in the City’s CIP. The program identified a project to enlarge a large diameter pipe segment along Lincoln Road between Pershing Avenue and Alexandria Place. The project will upsize approximately 2,800 feet of existing 36-inch diameter pipe to 42-inches. The project was included in the 2020-25 Five-Year CIP.
On March 9, 2021, by Resolution No. 2021-03-09-1204, Council authorized the award of a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $231,000 to Siegfried Engineering, Inc. of Stockton, CA, for design services of the Lincoln Road Sewer Trunk Rehabilitation, Project No. UW21018.
On December 28, 2023, Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 1 was administratively approved by the City Manager to extend the contract expiration date from December 31, 2023, to December 31, 2025.
Present Situation
The original intent of the Lincoln Road Sewer Trunk Rehabilitation, Project No. UW21018, was to upsize the existing 36-inch diameter sewer trunk line to 42-inch diameter sewer trunk line approximately 2,800 linear feet along Lincoln Road between Pershing Avenue and Alexandria Place by pipe bursting or cured in-place pipe methods. However, due to the condition of the existing sewer trunk line, these methods were not recommended. The recommended method is to construct a new 42-inch diameter sewer trunk line by open trench, replacing the existing 36-inch diameter sewer trunk line. The recommended method was based on the Preliminary Design Report which was developed to assess the options for rehabilitating or replacing the existing sewer trunk line.
Due to the change in scope, additional design services from Siegfried Engineering, Inc. will be required. Additional paving will be done along the south side of Lincoln Road, the intersection of Alexandria Place and Lincoln Road, as well as the entire road width on Alexandria Place to capture the recent sewer trunk line repair work. The project will also install Americans with Disabilities Act compliant curb ramps at the intersection of Lincoln Road and Pershing Avenue.
While Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 1 was approved under the City Manager’s administrative authority, with Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 2, the total contract increase to $431,673.00 will exceed the administrative amendment authority under the contract. Accordingly, Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 2 will require Council approval and result in a total contract amount of $431,673.
It is recommended that Council approve a motion authorizing the City Manager to execute Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 2 in the amount of $200,673 with Siegfried Engineering, Inc. for additional design services and to extend the contract expiration date to June 30, 2026, for the Lincoln Road Sewer Trunk Rehabilitation, Project No. UW21018.
There is sufficient funding in the Lincoln Road Sewer Trunk Rehabilitation, Project No. UW21018, to approve Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 2 with Siegfried Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $200,673. With approval of Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 2, the revised contract amount with Siegfried Engineering, Inc. will be increased to $431,673.
There is no impact on the City’s General Fund or any other unrestricted fund as a result of taking the recommended action.
Attachment A - Vicinity Map
Attachment B - Professional Services Contract Amendment No. 2 with Siegfried Engineering, Inc.