File #: 25-0149    Version: 1
Type: Consent
In control: City Council/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority/Parking Authority Concurrent
Final action:
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Equipment Replacement List, 2. Proposed Resolution, 3. Exhibit 1 - Cooperative Purchase Agreement




recommended action



It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution to:


1.                     Appropriate funds in the amount of $5,882,017 from the Fleet Internal Service Fund Balance to the Fleet Internal Service Fund, Equipment Acquisition Account.


2.                     Approve findings pursuant to Stockton Municipal Code section 3.68.070 in support of an exception to the competitive bidding process.


3.                     Approve the use of a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement through Sourcewell Contract No. 113021-OKC with Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. through an affiliated vendor, Golden State Fire Apparatus of Sacramento, CA, for the purchase of two fire engines and two tiller fire trucks.


4.                     Authorize the City Manager to execute a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement in the amount of $5,882,017 with Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. through an affiliated vendor, Golden State Fire Apparatus of Sacramento, CA, for the purchase of two fire engines and two tiller fire trucks.


It is also recommended that the City Manager be authorized to take appropriate and necessary actions to carry out the purpose and intent of this resolution.





Public Works is responsible for maintaining the City’s fleet of vehicles and equipment, including heavy apparatus, which consists of 19 fire engines and six ladder trucks.  The City utilizes a 15-year frontline and a 5-year reserve heavy fire vehicle replacement plan to provide a sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective fleet of heavy fire equipment in alignment with industry standards.  The department has identified two fire engines, units 5084 and 5366, and two tiller fire trucks, units 5191 and 5169, that will be due for replacement at the time of delivery (Attachment A) based on the City’s Fleet Replacement Plan.


Sourcewell is a public agency based in Minnesota that issues Cooperative Purchasing Agreements (COOP) to simplify the procurement process for public agencies and take advantage of volume purchasing.  Use of a COOP streamlines administrative costs and procedures while maintaining the integrity of the competitive bidding process. The specifications for the apparatuses available through Sourcewell meet the City’s requirements for this type of equipment and are consistent with the recent purchases of fire engines and tiller fire trucks.


It is recommended that Council adopt a resolution appropriating funds in the amount of $5,882,017 from the Fleet Internal Service Fund (ISF) Balance to the Fleet ISF, Equipment Acquisition Account. It is also recommended that Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a COOP through Sourcewell with Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. through an affiliated vendor, Golden State Fire Apparatus of Sacramento, CA, in the amount of $5,882,017, for the purchase of two fire engines and two tiller fire trucks.






The City’s fleet of heavy fire equipment consists of 19 fire engines and six ladder trucks. The equipment is maintained by the Fleet Section of the Public Works Department.  The Stockton Fire Department operates the equipment and responds daily with 13 of the 19 fire engines and four of the six ladder trucks.  The remaining units are in reserve status, to be used when any of the frontline units are out of service.


The City utilizes a 15-year frontline and a 5-year reserve heavy fire vehicle replacement plan to provide a sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective fleet of heavy fire equipment in alignment with the industry standards.  The National Fire Protection Association Standards for Fire Department Apparatus (NFPA 1901) suggests that replacement cycles for busy fire fleets be evaluated based on call load, maintenance costs, safety, and needed technology updates.  The industry standard is between 12 to 20 years for frontline response units depending on local conditions, community demand, engine hours, miles driven, and maintenance costs.


Present Situation


Current lead times for Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. fire engines is 35 months and 48 months for a tiller fire truck.  The department has identified two fire engines, units 5084 and 5366, and two tiller fire trucks, units 5191 and 5169, that require replacement due to age or ongoing mechanical failures (Attachment A). 


The Public Works Department recommends the purchase of two fire engines and two tiller fire trucks from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. through an affiliated vendor, Golden State Fire Apparatus of Sacramento, CA, for a total cost of $5,882,017.  The specifications for the apparatuses available through Sourcewell meet the City’s requirements for this type of equipment and are consistent with the recent purchases of fire engines and tiller fire trucks.


Sourcewell is a public agency based in Minnesota that serves as a municipal contracting agency to streamline the procurement process for public agencies and takes advantage of volume purchasing.  All Sourcewell contracts have been competitively bid, solicited nationally, reviewed, evaluated by a committee, and recommended to the Sourcewell Board of Directors for consideration of award.  The use of these contracts is optional and is available to California State and local government agencies.


It is recommended that Council adopt a resolution appropriating funds in the amount of $5,882,017 from the Fleet ISF Balance to the Fleet ISF, Equipment Acquisition Account.  It is also recommended that Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a COOP through Sourcewell with Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. through an affiliated vendor, Golden State Fire Apparatus of Sacramento, CA, in the amount of $5,882,017, for the purchase of two fire engines and two tiller fire trucks.




Pursuant to Stockton Municipal Code section 3.68.070, Council may approve findings which support an exception to the competitive bidding process.  These findings include:


1.                     Sourcewell established a COOP with Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. through an affiliated vendor, Golden State Fire Apparatus, for the purchase fire equipment, including two fire engines and two tiller fire trucks.


2.                     The Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. COOP was established pursuant to formal competitive bidding processes conducted by Sourcewell on behalf of its governmental members, of which the City is one.


3.                     Taking advantage of the leveraged procurement agreement negotiated by Sourcewell will save the administrative expense of City staff conducting separate procurements.


4.                     The specifications for the equipment available through the Sourcewell contract meet the City’s requirements for their equipment type.




With the appropriation of funds, in the amount of $5,882,017, from the Fleet ISF Fund Balance to the Fleet ISF operating budget, Equipment Acquisition Account, there will be sufficient funding for the purchase of two fire engines and two tiller fire trucks from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. through an affiliated vendor, Golden State Fire Apparatus, in the amount of $5,882,017.


There is no impact to the City’s General Fund or any other unrestricted fund as a result of taking the recommended actions.


Attachment A - Equipment Replacement List