recommended action
It is recommended that the City Council by motion:
1. Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Rane Community Development to provide capacity building support, staff augmentation and project oversight for several Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) program initiatives, funded with HHAP Rounds 3 and 4 funding for a total of $600,000.00;
2. Authorize the City Manager to take necessary and appropriate actions to carry out the purpose and intent of this motion.
The California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) requires a regional adopted strategic homeless plan and shared goals. The City of Stockton, San Joaquin County (SJC), and the San Joaquin Continuum of Care (SJCoC) jointly adopted the Regional Homeless Action Plan in March of 2024 and applied for Round 5 of the Homeless Housing Assistance Program (HHAP) Grant. The entities are jointly responsible for implementing the shared goals and achieving outcomes approved by the State. The City of Stockton, in its role as the largest of the five incorporated cities in the County, has the primary responsibility of working with municipal partners on crafting a shared approach to engage and organize their local communities. This includes developing a shared approach to homeless outreach and engagement, emergency sheltering, and the development of affordable housing suitable for people experiencing homelessness. It also includes developing program partner expectations, building core competencies and ensuring that local community partners, including people with lived expertise and experiences in homelessness, receive information, training, and capacity-building assistance as needed to improve the delivery of services. Awarding this contract ensures the City meets State regulatory compliance requirements, builds capacity at the regional level and implements best practices.
On September 29, 2023, the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) announced the availability of HHAP Program Round 5 grant funding (HHAP 5). HHAP 5 is a $1 billion grant program authorized by Section 17 of AB 129 (Chapter 40, Statutes of 2023; Health & Safety Code (HSC) section 50230, et seq.), which was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on July 10, 2023. This announcement of funding made available $760 million of the $1 billion appropriated to eligible cities, counties, and Continuums of Care (CoCs) as the HHAP 5 base allocations, and $9.5 million for planning allocations.
To be considered eligible for HHAP 5 base allocations, eligible applicants must have applied as part of a region and must be signatory to a Regionally Coordinated Homelessness Action Plan, which must be approved by Cal ICH.
The City, County and San Joaquin County Continuum of Care (SJCoC) decided that the City of Stockton was best positioned to lead the application process. The City submitted the application by the deadline of March 27, 2024. The Regional Plan was approved by Councill, Motion 2024-03-19-1503 and funds were awarded on October 17, 2024. San Joaquin County as a region was awarded $14.07 million; of that total, the City of Stockton will receive $7.1 million.
Present Situation
Staff has prioritized, as indicated in the Homeless Regional Action Plan (Plan), building capacity within the region and accomplishing the foundational goals set forth in the adopted Plan. To accomplish this task, staff issued a Request for Proposals on September 26, 2024. Proposals were due to the City on October 24, 2024. Three proposals were received and scored using a standardized tool and City staff expertise.
Rane Community Development proposed the strongest work plan and has identified a highly qualified team with significant local resources and a firm understanding of the regional homeless system of care. The detailed work plan and timeline will ensure the region meets the scope of work activities within the timeline and funding expenditure deadlines.
Staff recommends the City Council approve the motion authorizing the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Rane Community Development to:
• Analyze and provide project oversight for several HHAP-funded initiatives;
• Strengthen the Homeless Service Provider Network;
• Facilitate and implement standardized partnership collaboration among funded; agencies to maximize outcomes;
• Provide strategic guidance and best practices for the HHAP Plan; and
• Conduct stakeholder training and develop a community engagement framework.
Staff recommends approving the contract with Rane Community Development, funded by the System Support Category of HHAP Round 3 funds in the amount of $551,047.88, and HHAP Round 4 funds in the amount of $48,952.12, for the duration and completion of HHAP 5 goals and activities. HHAP 5 funding guidelines state that 75% of funds must be obligated by June 30, 2026, and all HHAP 5 funds must be expended by June 30, 2028.
There is no impact to the City’s General Fund or any other unrestricted fund as a result of taking the recommended action. There is sufficient budget in the Special Grants Fund, Housing Division, in the HHAP 3 and 4 projects to support the recommendation.
Attachment A - Contract Rane Community Development