File #: 24-0529    Version: 1
Type: Public Hearing
In control: City Council/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority/Parking Authority Concurrent
Final action:
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Storm Drainage Basin Districts Map, 2. Attachment B - Budgets and Fund Balance Projections, 3. Proposed Resolution - Airport Gateway Center, 4. Proposed Resolution - Arch Road Industrial Park, 5. Proposed Resolution - Charter Way Industrial, 6. Proposed Resolution - North Newcastle, 7. Proposed Resolution - Stockton Airport Business Center, 8. Proposed Resolution - Western Pacific Industrial Park, 9. PPT 16.5 - 2024-25 Industrial Assessment Districts-Basin




recommended action



It is recommended that the City Council conduct the public hearing called for at its meeting on April 16, 2024, to consider public comment and testimony regarding the approval and adoption of the annual budgets and assessment rolls for the six districts listed below (each a “District”).


At the conclusion of the public hearing, if less than fifty percent of the owners of the assessable lands within a district file a protest of the proposed levy of annual maintenance assessments, it is recommended that the City Council adopt resolutions to:


1.                     Overrule all public hearing protests or objections (including all written protests not withdrawn in writing before the conclusion of the public hearing) to the proposed levy of assessments in each District, provided, as to each District, no majority protest exists.


2.                     Approve and adopt the preliminary Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 annual budget for each District.


3.                     Confirm and levy FY 2024-25 assessments for each of the following six industrial storm drainage basin maintenance Assessment Districts (Districts):


1)                     Western Pacific Industrial Park Storm Drainage Basin Maintenance District, Project Number 81-1 (Western Pacific)


2)                     Charter Way Industrial Site Storm Drainage Basin Maintenance District, Project Number 86-4 (Charter Way)


3)                     Arch Road Industrial Park Storm Drainage Basin Maintenance District, Project Number 84-2 (Arch Road)


4)                     Airport Gateway Center Storm Drainage Basin Maintenance District (Airport Gateway)


5)                     Stockton Airport Business Center Storm Drainage Basin Maintenance District, Project Number 84-1 (Stockton Airport)


6)                     North Newcastle Storm Pump Station and Basin Maintenance District, Project Number 20-1 (North Newcastle)



4.                     Approve and adopt the Engineer’s Report (Report) showing the FY 2024-25 assessments and the adjusted drainage acres to be used in assessing the costs and expenses in connection therewith as the method of assessment to be used to pay the costs and expenses of the maintenance and operation.


5.                     Approve, confirm, and levy the assessments, as described in the Report, of the annual amount of costs and expenses to maintain and operate the improvements upon the several subdivisions of land in each District, in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by said subdivisions from the operation of said improvements and of the related incidental expenses as described in each respective Report.


It is further recommended that the City Manager be authorized to take appropriate and necessary actions to carry out the purpose and intent of these resolutions.





The Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and Stockton Improvement Procedure Code, Part V, under which these Districts were formed, require annual Council approval of the Engineer’s Report, Budget, Assessment Rolls, and approval to levy the corresponding annual assessments for each separate District. The assessment district rates for FY 2024-25, where allowed by an annual escalator, will increase over the FY 2023-24 rates. Where not allowed by an annual escalator, rates will remain the same as the FY 2023-24 rates. The City makes no financial contributions to any of the Districts. All fees, costs, and expenses incurred will be payable solely from the proceeds of the annual assessments to be levied and collected on the San Joaquin County property tax roll or from each District’s reserve funds.


If approved, this action will adopt the annual budgets and assessments for the six Industrial Storm Drainage Basin Maintenance Districts listed above for FY 2024-25.






The City Council, pursuant to Resolution Numbers 85-0416, 86-1059, 88-0492, 88-0552, 99-0400, and 2020-12-15-1501, authorized the formation of the six industrial storm drainage basin maintenance districts (Attachment A). As a condition of their subdivision agreements, each developer was required to form a maintenance district to provide ongoing maintenance of the basins after construction was complete and the basins were turned over to the City. The formation of these districts was based on the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 (Act) and the Stockton Improvement Procedure Code (Stockton Code). The Act and the Stockton Code contain provisions for the City to form assessment districts for the maintenance and operation of improvements that award a special benefit to an area.


The purpose of these Districts is to provide funding for the operations and maintenance of the storm drainage basins and the associated improvements. The general maintenance scope of work includes vector control, weed abatement, rodent control, slope dressing, mowing, ripping, grading of the basin bottom (as needed), pick-up and removal of trash and debris, cleaning of the structures, sediment removal, repair of fence and access, filter changes, device cleaning, and other maintenance associated with the special benefit. Property owners are responsible for funding only those improvements within the District from which they receive benefit.


The original Engineers’ Reports, which were approved by the landowners at the time of formation of each District, detail how the City can legally calculate the annual assessments. The original Engineers’ Report for the Arch Road, Charter Way, and Western Pacific Districts did not allow for a Cost-of-Living Adjustment to be applied to increase the maximum allowable assessment over the years. Any changes to the assessment/formula for the calculation of the annual assessments would need to be approved, by ballot, by the property owners that will be affected by the assessments.


A portion of the Stockton Airport Business Center District was similarly established prior to Proposition 218, and as such, the original parcels are at the maximum allowable assessment rate with no allowable cost of living adjustments. In FY 2004-05, thirty-five (35) parcels were annexed into the Stockton Airport Business Center District, following the Proposition 218 prescribed property owner ballot procedure. As a result, the annexed parcels are subject to the requirements of Proposition 218, while the original parcels are not. The Engineer's Report for the annexation of the newer parcels allowed for cost-of-living adjustments to be factored into the calculations of the annual assessments for those parcels. Staff has factored in the allowed cost of living adjustment on those parcels for the calculation of the maximum allowable assessment for the District.


On April 16, 2024, the City Council preliminarily approved and confirmed the budgets and proposed assessments for each of the Districts and set a public hearing for June 4, 2024. Through this process, annual assessments are included on the San Joaquin County property tax roll for collection.


Present Situation


Attachment B provides a summary of the proposed FY 2024-25 budget and assessments for each district. None of the FY 2024-25 assessments exceed the established Maximum Annual Allowable Assessments contained in the original Engineer’s Reports that were approved by landowner ballots or written consent of the landowners and approved by the Council as part of the district formation proceedings. The proposed budgets for the districts include engineering fees, attorney’s fees, estimated pond (basin) maintenance work, City of Stockton administration costs, and a contingency.


Operational costs of the three basin districts referenced as Western Pacific Industrial Park, Charter Way Industrial Site, and Arch Road Industrial Park are projected to exceed their maximum allowable assessments in FY 2024-25 by $10,708.00, $6,757.02, and $10,494.00, respectively, based on the contracted costs for preparation of the Annual Engineers’ Report and maintenance of the Districts. In previous years, the existing fund balance has covered the gap in costs not covered by the new assessment. However, the FY 2025-26 assessment may require an increase to meet the district’s operational needs. Over the next fiscal year, staff will evaluate options to cover the cost gap.


For FY 2024-25, sufficient fund balance exists for the Western Pacific Industrial Park, the Arch Road Industrial Park, and the Charter Way Industrial Site to cover the gap in costs not covered by the new assessment; therefore, staff recommends approving the full operational budget and the transfer of funds needed from the reserve balances.  The FY 2023-24 Actual Assessments, FY 2024-25 Proposed Assessments, Projected Fund Balance Transfers, Operational Expenditure Budgets, Final Projected FY 2024-25 Fund Balances, and FY 2024-25 Maximum Allowable Assessments are as follows:




FY 2023-24 Actual Assessment

FY 2024-25 Proposed Assessment

FY 2024-25 Proposed Amount to Transfer from Fund Balance to Expenditure Account

FY 2024-25 Operational Expenditure Budget

FY 2024-25 Projected Fund Balance

FY 2024-25 Maximum Allowable Assessment

Western Pacific Industrial Park







Charter Way Industrial Site







Arch Road Industrial Park








The Engineers’ Report for the Airport Gateway Center District and the applicable parcels in the Stockton Airport Business Center District and North Newcastle District contain provisions for an annual Cost-of-Living Adjustment. Each year, the maximum annual assessments are increased in an amount equal to the greater of either 3.0 percent or the annual increase as shown in the Local Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose All Items, All Urban Users, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for a similar period.


For the calendar year 2023, the annual increase is approximately 2.63 percent. For FY 2024-25, the 3.00 percent adjustment has been applied to the calculation of the total maximum allowable assessment and the actual assessment for Airport Gateway Center, and the annexed portions of the Stockton Airport Business Center Districts and North Newcastle District. Proposition 218 provides cities the latitude to approve the maximum allowable assessment, if warranted, based on estimated expenditures or if estimated expenditures do not justify the maximum to collect a lesser amount.


Staff recommends that the City Council approve the increase in the maximum allowable assessment and the increase in the actual assessment that will set the base for upcoming fiscal year calculations. Staff also recommends approving the full operational budget and the transfer of funds needed from reserve balance to cover the gap in expenses in the Stockton Airport Business Center. A sufficient fund balance exists in reserve to pay for the gap in costs not covered by the new assessment. The FY 2023-24 Actual Assessments, FY 2024-25 Proposed Assessments, FY 2024-25 Proposed Amount to Transfer from Fund Balance, FY 2024-25 Operational Budgets, FY 2024-25 Projected Fund Balances, and FY 2024-25 Maximum Allowable Assessments are as follows:



FY 2023-24 Actual Assessment

FY 2024-25 Proposed Assessment

FY 2024-25 Proposed Amount to Transfer from Fund Balance to Expenditure Account

FY 2024-25 Operational Expenditure Budget

FY 2024-25 Projected Fund Balance

FY 2024-25 Maximum Allowable Assessment

Airport Gateway







Stockton Airport Business Center*







North Newcastle








*The FY 2024-25 operational expenditure budget is $31,098.78, which includes $7,792.32 transfer from other districts.


Administrative and operational costs for the maintenance of the Stockton Airport Business Center basin are offset with transfers from the Little John Creek Landscape Maintenance District No. 94-1 and Seabreeze Landscape Maintenance District No. 96-2 ($5,506.06 and $2,286.26, respectively), as the basin landscaping is provided for in those districts.


Fund balances are for infrastructure replacement accounts to fund construction of new facilities at the end of their operational life.


The tax rolls submitted for collection show the approved maximum assessment as well as the actual amount that will be submitted for collection on the San Joaquin County property taxes.


This public hearing allows any interested person an opportunity to protest the proposed budget, the proposed method and proportion of assessment or the maximum annual assessment, either in writing or orally, for each district. A majority protest exists if more than fifty percent (50%) of the owners of the area of assessable lands within a district file a written or verbal protest. The required notice of this public hearing was published in The Record on May 20, 2024.




The proposed Industrial Storm Drainage Basin Maintenance Districts budget for FY 2024-25 and fund balance projections are detailed in Attachment B.


The City makes no financial contributions to any of the Districts. All fees, costs, and expenses incurred will be payable solely from the proceeds of the annual assessments to be levied and collected on the San Joaquin County property tax roll or from each District’s reserve funds. The use of the funds collected within the various districts is restricted by Proposition 218 to pay only the expenses related to the maintenance and operation of the specific storm drainage basin for which they are collected. The funds collected from the property owners of a district can only be used for the work on the basins in that district, as it awards special benefit restricted to the properties of that district. District funds are segregated and cannot be used to operate, maintain, or support the activities of the stormwater, or any other, utility at large.


Administrative and operational costs for the maintenance of the Stockton Airport Business Center Basin are offset with transfers from the Little John Creek Landscape Maintenance District No. 94-1 and Seabreeze Landscape Maintenance District No. 96-2 ($5,506.06 and $2,286.26, respectively) as the basin landscaping is provided for in those districts.


There is no impact to the General Fund, or any other unrestricted fund, from these actions.


Attachment A - Storm Drainage Basin Districts Location Map

Attachment B - Storm Drainage Basin District Budgets and Fund Balance Projections