recommended action
It is recommended that the Stockton Arts Commission approve a motion to the recommended artist and live performers to participate in the March 12, 2025, Stockton Art Night.
In 2024, the Stockton Arts Nights occurred four times and were moderately successful. In 2024, there were a total of 66 art exhibits and 12 live performances. Many of the artists participated in multiple Art Nights.
The 2025 Art Nights are scheduled for March 12, June 11, September 10, and December 10.
Staff are recommending the following artists four (4) artists participate in the March 12, 2025, Art Night.
Joy Neas, Artist
JoAnn Sagaral, Artist
Kevin, Kroeze, Artist
Katherine Dukes, Artist
Upon approval of the recommendation, staff will contact the selections of the Commission and begin coordination the March 12, 2025, Stockton Art Night. If more artists become available, they will be evaluated and added by staff.
Artist and Performance samples can be found in Attachment A.
No Financial Impact.
Attachment A - Artist Display and Performance Samples