recommended action
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission:
1. Find that the Project is subject to compliance with the prior adopted Final Initial Study /Addendum to the previously certified 2040 General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH #2017052062); and
2. Adopt a Resolution approving a one-year time extension for the Davis Crossing Tentative Map and Planned Development Permit.
On January 26, 2023, the Planning Commission approved a Tentative Map and a Planned Development Permit for a sixty-seven (67) residential lot subdivision located at 8601 Thornton Road (APNs: 080-320-06 and -07) (P21-1171) (Attachment A - Approved Resolution). The approval included a Tentative Map to subdivide a 6.63-acre site into 67 residential lots and Planned Development Permit for modified development standards. The modified development standards include reduced parcel sizes and widths, and reduced side setbacks. The project site is located on the west side of Thornton Road and north of Mosher Slough (Attachment B - Location Map and Aerial Photography).
The original Tentative Map and Planned Development Permit approval was valid for two years from its effective date (11th day following the date of the final decision of the Planning Commission) that is February 6, 2023, and due to expire on February 6, 2025. On November 19, 2024, the applicant, Richard Gonzales of Go Partners LLC, applied for a one-year time extension to allow for more time to develop the property.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the requested time extension because all required findings can be made for approval.
The original Project approvals included a Tentative Map, Planned Development Permit, and adoption of an Initial Study/Addendum to the previously certified 2040 General Plan EIR (SCH #2017052062) and adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The Tentative Map subdivides a 6.63-acre site into 73 lots, 67 of those lots will be residential lots, and the remainder will be common lots (open space, private roadway, etc.). Access to the proposed development would be provided from a recently improved and signalized intersection at Thornton Road and Davis Road, adjacent to the Mosher Slough (Attachment C - Approved Tentative Map).
Present Situation
The Stockton Municipal Code (SMC) Section 16.188.100(C) provides for a developer to request a 12-month extension in writing on or before the date of expiration of the approval, together with a required filing fee. The applicant, Richard Gonzales of Go Partners LLC, submitted an application requesting a time extension for the Davis Crossing Development project (P21-1171) (Attachment D - Applicant Request). No changes to the approved project are proposed or analyzed in this time extension request.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve a time extension, for an additional 12 months, subject to the conditions in the proposed Resolution. If approved, the Tentative Map and Planned Development Permit expiration date would extend to February 6, 2026.
Environmental Review
The environmental consequences of extending the Tentative Map have been analyzed in accordance with the provisions of State CEQA Guidelines Section 15070. The project shall be subject to all applicable mitigation measures identified in the City-adopted Final Initial Study / Addendum to the previously certified 2040 General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH #2017052062) and the adopted Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program, and all Findings for the Davis Crossing Development Project. All mitigation measures for the approved Tentative Map remain applicable. No further environmental review is required to approve the requested time extension.
Attachment A - Approved Resolution
Attachment B - Location Map and Aerial Photography
Attachment C - Approved Tentative Map
Attachment D - Applicant Request
The staff report was prepared by Arturo Carrasco, Associate Planner, (209) 937-8655; Arturo.Carrasco@stocktonca.gov.