File #: 23-1050    Version: 1
Type: New Business
In control: City Council/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority/Parking Authority Concurrent
Final action:
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Vicinity Map, 2. Attachment B - Pre-Qualified Bidders List, 3. Proposed Resolution, 4. Exhibit 1 - Agreement with SJCOE, 5. Exhibit 2 - Professional Services Contract, 6. Exhibit 3 - Construction Contract, 7. PPT - 15.2 - McKinley Park Renovation




recommended action



It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution to:

1.                     Appropriate funds in the amount of $750,000 from the Transformative Climate Communities Program to the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.


2.                     Transfer funds in the amount of $200,000 from the Touchless Restroom, Project No. WP22016, to the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.


3.                     Approve an Agreement between the City of Stockton and the San Joaquin County Office of Education dba Greater Valley Conservation Corps in the amount of $280,429 for the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.


4.                     Award a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $754,370 to Salaber Associates, Inc. of Rancho Cordova, CA, for construction management services for the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.


5.                     Approve findings pursuant to Stockton Municipal Code section 3.68.070 in support of an exception to the competitive bidding process.


6.                     Approve and establish the Pre-Qualified Bidders List for the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.


7.                     Approve the plans and specifications for the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.


8.                     Award a Construction Contract in the amount of $11,394,400 to John F. Otto, Inc. dba Otto Construction of Sacramento, CA, for the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.


It is also recommended that the City Manager be authorized to take appropriate and necessary actions to carry out the purpose and intent of this resolution.





The McKinley Park and Community Center is located at 424 East 9th Street (Attachment A - Vicinity Map).  McKinley Park encompasses approximately 22-acres and is the largest municipal park in South Stockton. 


The McKinley Park Renovation project will provide new picnic shelters, new ballfields, new play area, new restroom, storage building, basketball and futsal courts, soccer fields, landscaping and irrigation system modifications, path lighting, parking lot improvements, and renovation of the existing swimming pool and bathhouse. The project was included in the 2022-27 Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) with project funding from Proposition 68 grant funds, State Budget Act funding, Transformative Climate Communities Program, and Measure M Strong Communities funds. 


On February 22, 2023, the City received three proposals for construction management services for the McKinley Park Renovation project.  It is recommended that Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Contract to Salaber Associates, Inc., the most qualified and highest ranked firm, in the amount of $754,370.


On June 13, 2023, the City received 10 pre-qualification packages from prospective bidders for the McKinley Park Renovation project.  It is recommended that Council adopt a resolution establishing the Pre-Qualified Bidders List for the McKinley Park Renovation project.


Proposition 68 State grant funds on the project requires the City to partner with the Greater Valley Conservation Corps (GVCC) on the project.  The GVCC will provide labor to install site furnishings, landscaping, and other park amenities related to the project.  It is recommended that Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement with the San Joaquin County Office of Education dba GVCC in the amount of $280,429 to reimburse the GVCC for their work on the project.


On December 14, 2023, the City received two construction bids for the McKinley Park Renovation project. It is recommended that Council adopt a resolution awarding a Construction Contract to the lowest responsible bidder, John F. Otto, Inc. dba Otto Construction (Otto Construction), in the amount of $11,394,400. It is also recommended that Council adopt a resolution approving the plans and specifications for the project and authorize the transfer of necessary funds for the project. Construction is anticipated to be completed by summer 2025.






The McKinley Park and Community Center is located at 424 East 9th Street (Attachment A - Vicinity Map). McKinley Park encompasses approximately 22-acres and is the largest municipal park in south Stockton. The McKinley Park Renovation project will provide new picnic shelters, new ballfields, new play area, new restroom, storage building, basketball and futsal courts, soccer fields, landscaping and irrigation system modifications, path lighting, parking lot improvements, and renovation of the existing swimming pool and bathhouse.


The project was included in the 2022-27 Five-Year CIP.  The project is being funded by Proposition 68 grant funds, State Budget Act funding, Transformative Climate Communities Program, and Measure M Strong Communities funds. 


On January 26, 2021, by Resolution No. 2021-01-26-1212, Council awarded a Professional Services Contract to Callander Associates of Gold River, CA, for design of the McKinley Park Renovation project. Callander Associates completed design of the project in May 2023. 


On April 18, 2023, by Resolution No. 2023-04-18-1209-02, Council approved Notice of Exemption No. NOE03-23 under the California Environmental Quality Act for the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017. 


On July 26, 2016, Council adopted a Community Workforce and Training Agreement (CWTA). The CWTA became effective August 25, 2016, and applies to all Public Works projects over $1 million that are bid after that date. On July 16, 2019, by Motion No. 2019-07-16-1403, Council extended the CWTA term to August 25, 2024. The CWTA was applied to this project as the construction cost is over $1 million.


Present Situation


On January 23, 2023, the City advertised a Request for Proposals (RFP) for construction management services for the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.  On February 22, 2023, three proposals were received from the following firms:


                     Cumming (Roseville, CA)

                     Salaber Associates, Inc. (Rancho Cordova, CA)

                     Vanir (Sacramento, CA)


The Selection Committee evaluated the proposals based on each firm’s understanding of work, experience with similar kinds of projects, staff qualifications, technical ability, project approach, cost, and local preference.


Salaber Associates, Inc. received the highest ranking, based on the noted criteria, and was determined to be the most qualified and highest ranked firm for this project.  Staff negotiated a fee in the amount of $754,370 with Salaber Associates, Inc. for construction management services for the McKinley Park Renovation project.  The negotiated fee is approximately six percent of the cost of construction, which is reasonable for a project of this size and complexity. It is recommended that Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $754,370 to Salaber Associates, Inc.


Concurrent with acquiring construction management services, staff completed a bidder pre-qualification process.  A pre-qualification list would ensure future bidders meet the City’s requirements, have financial stability, and have a high standard for safety and health. Prospective bidders would have to meet the following pre-qualification criteria in order to bid the project: 


1.                     Demonstration of similar project experience.

2.                     Meet bonding capacity and insurance requirements.

3.                     Meet financial requirements.

4.                     Company business history and organizational performance.

5.                     Company’s compliance with safety, workers compensation, prevailing wage, and apprenticeship laws.

6.                     Satisfactory reference check on two previously completed projects.


On June 13, 2023, the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017, was advertised for contractors to submit a pre-qualification package for the McKinley Park Renovation project.  On July 12, 2023, 10 pre-qualification packages were received from the following firms:


1.                     AMG & Associates, Inc. (Santa Clarita, CA)

2.                     Arntz Builders, Inc. (Petaluma, CA)

3.                     BHM Construction, Inc. (Napa, CA)

4.                     F&H Construction (Lodi, CA)

5.                     Hilbers, Inc. (Yuba City, CA)

6.                     Lathrop Construction Associates (Benicia, CA)

7.                     Otto Construction (Sacramento, CA)

8.                     Robert A. Bothman (Santa Clara, CA)

9.                     Roebbelen Contracting, Inc. (El Dorado Hills, CA)

10.                     Tricon Construction, Inc. (Rancho Cordova, CA)


A Review Committee reviewed the pre-qualification packages and determined all 10 contractors meet the City’s minimum requirements.  The evaluation process to verify that each company meets minimum requirements took longer than expected due to the number of potential candidates.  The desired bid date was fall of 2023 to take advantage of best possible timing for receipt of bids in winter.  However, it was determined that certification of the list of pre-qualified construction companies was not feasible prior to the ideal advertising date.  Therefore, it is recommended at this time  that Council adopt a resolution approving and establishing the Pre-Qualified Bidders List for the McKinley Park Renovation project (Attachment B - Pre-Qualified Bidders List). 


On October 3, 2023, the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017, was advertised to the pre-qualified list of bidders.  The project included two Add Alternative bid items to resurface an additional basketball and sports court if funding was available. 


On December 14, 2023, two of the 10 pre-qualified contractors submitted a bid with the following results:


COMPANY                     BASE BID                     ADJUSTED                     ADD ALT 1                     TOTAL BID

NAME                     AMOUNT                     BID AMOUNT                     AMOUNT                     AMOUNT


                                          preference                     ADD ALT 2

                                          applied)                     AMOUNT


Otto Construction                     $11,347,400                     $11,347,400                     $20,300                     $11,394,400

(Sacramento, CA)



Robert A. Bothman                     $11,753,299                     $11,518,233                     $90,000                     $11,851,949


(Tracy, CA)                                                               $  8,650


Engineer’s Estimate                                                                                                                                                                                             $11,949,031


The requirements of Stockton Municipal Code (SMC) section 3.68.090, Local Business Preference, apply to this project. Application of the Local Business Preference has no effect on the bid order. The Local Employment Ordinance, SMC section 3.68.095, also applies to this contract.


The base bid from Otto Construction, the lowest responsible bidder, is regular in all respects and has the proper license to perform the work. The total bid is approximately one percent below the engineer’s estimate.  It is recommended that Council approve the plans and specifications for the project and award a Construction Contract to Otto Construction of Sacramento, CA, in the amount of $11,394,400, which includes the base bid and both additive alternates.


The project is partially funded with Proposition 68 State grant funds.  Proposition 68 funding guidelines require the City to partner with the GVCC on the project.  The GVCC will provide labor to install site furnishings, landscaping, and other park amenities related to the project.  The project specifications require the contractor to coordinate this work with the GVCC.  It is recommended that Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement with the San Joaquin County Office of Education dba GVCC in the amount of $280,429 to reimburse the GVCC for their work on the project.  


It is also recommended that Council adopt a resolution appropriating funds in the amount of $750,000 from the Transformative Climate Communities Program and transferring funds in the amount of $200,000 from the Touchless Restroom, Project No. WP22016, to the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.  Construction is anticipated to be completed by summer 2025.


Findings Related to Construction Management Services


Pursuant to SMC section 3.68.070, Council may approve findings which support an exception to the competitive bidding process. These findings include:


1.                     The City does not have sufficient staff resources to perform the necessary construction management services for this project.


2.                     Use of the RFP process is appropriate for this Professional Services Contract because it relies on the evaluation of professional qualifications and performance as the basis for selection of a vendor. Use of the criteria helps ensure selection of a vendor that will provide the highest quality professional service, which is in the public interest.


3.                     The City negotiated a contract following solicitation of competitive proposals in accordance with SMC section 3.68.070.A.3.


Findings Related to Services by Greater Valley Conservation Corps


Pursuant to SMC section 3.68.070, Council may approve findings which support an exception to the competitive bidding process. These findings include:


1.                     The Proposition 68 funding for this project mandates the use of a Conservation Corps for a portion of the construction.


2.                     The California Conservation Corps and the GVCC were given the opportunity to provide services.  Only the GVCC indicated their intention to provide services.


3.                     The City negotiated a contract with the GVCC following solicitation of a proposal in accordance with SMC section 3.68.070.A.3. and Proposition 68 funding mandate.




The resolution includes the following actions to provide sufficient funding to fund all construction related costs to complete the project:


1.                     Appropriate funds in the amount of $750,000 from the Transformative Climate Communities Program to the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.


2.                     Transfer funds in the amount of $200,000 from the Touchless Restroom, Project No. WP22016, Account No. 0010-156-800007-280-282-30-45-000-000, to the McKinley Park Renovation, Project No. WR21017.


There is no impact to the City’s General Fund or any other unrestricted fund as a result of taking the recommended actions.


Attachment A - Vicinity Map

Attachment B - Pre-Qualified Bidders List