File #: 25-0064    Version: 1
Type: Consent
In control: City Council/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority/Parking Authority Concurrent
Final action:
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Draft Class Spec Security Services Manager, 2. Proposed Resolution - Security Services Manager




recommended action



Approve a resolution to:


1.                     Establish a new unclassified/unrepresented classification position of Security Services Manager and approve the proposed salary range.


2.                     Authorize the addition of one new full-time employee (FTE) to the City Manager’s Office, and associated budget appropriation of $49,724 to support the Security Services Manager position from April through June of FY2024-25.


3.                     Authorize a project budget of $186,755 for Enhanced Security Measures at City Hall and authorize corresponding purchases needed to procure equipment and services to implement.


4.                     Authorize a total budget appropriation of $236,479 from the General Fund Reserves to various funds in support of items 1-3.


5.                     Authorize the Interim City Manager to carry out the intent and purpose of this motion.





On Thursday, January 9, 2025, the Stockton Police (SPD) and Public Works (PW) Departments began a security assessment and site review of the City’s current City Hall, at 425 North El Dorado Street. Upon completion of the review, several recommendations for improvement were presented to the Mayor and Council.


The item before Council now is intended to make necessary authorizations to carry out the enhanced security plan.




Present Situation


Security Services Manager


It was recommended that the City create a full-time position to oversee the City’s security contract, manage the contractor and its employees, and assess and coordinate security related activities and services between the City and contractor across all City sites.

It is recommended that this position follow the City’s mid-management position, Program Manager III, utilizing the annual base salary schedule below:



A draft class specification, has been provided in Attachment A. This specification was created, reviewed, and approved by various departments, including Police, Public Works, Community Services, Human Resources, and the City Manager’s Office.


The action before Council tonight would authorize the creation of an additional unclassified/unrepresented job classification of Security Services Manager, add one additional full-time position (FTE) to the City’s workforce, and authorize a budget appropriation of $49,724 to support the recruitment and hiring of this position, assuming step 6, and employment from April through June 2025.


Under the annual budget resolution, 2024-06-18-1603, the City does not have administrative authority to add positions to the workforce, such action requires Council approval. Funding to support the future salary will be included in the City Manager’s budget proposal for FY2025-26.


Additional Equipment and Materials


The need for additional security-related equipment and materials in City Hall has been identified. The Public Works Department has prepared and provided a cost estimate below, including staff time, to satisfy the recommended improvements.



The item before the Council would authorize and appropriate a project budget of $186,755 and allow PW to move forward with procuring the various items identified above. Some of these materials will be able to be transferred to New City Hall, as the construction of Council Chambers nears completion.


Universal Protection Service - Allied Security Contract


In July 2023, by motion 2023-07-11-1207, the Council approved a three-year contract for $10,390,980 with Universal Protection Services to provide security at City facilities. In October of 2023, Contract Amendment 1, in the amount of $365,623 through the term of the agreement, was administratively executed to provide additional personnel and services at the Stockton Animal Shelter and the Mountain House Library.


The enhanced security plan at City Hall calls for additional contracted security personnel during Council and Council Committee meetings, which is allowable under the current contracted scope of work. However, additional contracted support may lead to additional costs not currently budgeted or funded. Staff will continue to monitor the use of services and related expenses and will prepare a contract and budget amendment at a later time, if needed.




Because this was an unplanned effort, funding is not readily available. A budget appropriation of $236,479 from the General Fund Reserve is required, and will be allocated as follows:


                     $49,724 from the General Fund Reserves will be transferred to the City Manager’s Regular Salaries and related benefits accounts to support the Security Services Manager, potentially, from April through June 2025.


                     $186,755 from the General Fund Reserves will be transferred to Public Works - City Hall Security Enhancements project


Attachment A - Draft Class Spec Security Services Manager