recommended action
It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution to:
1. Approve findings pursuant to Stockton Municipal Code section 3.68.070 in support of an exception to the competitive bidding process.
2. Approve Notice of Exemption No. NOE51-24 under the California Environmental Quality Act for the 1.7 Touchless Restrooms, Project No. WP22016; Souza Park Restroom, Project No. WP24032; and Oak Park Improvements, Project No. WP24044.
3. Approve the plans and specifications for the 1.7 Touchless Restrooms, Project No. WP22016; Souza Park Restroom, Project No. WP24032; and Oak Park Improvements, Project No. WP24044.
4. Authorize the City Manager to execute Construction Contract Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $1,088,560 with Soracco, Inc. of Lodi, CA, for the installation of seven additional contactless park restrooms and electrical installation costs associated with first-round Exeloo installs.
It is also recommended that the City Manager be authorized to take appropriate and necessary actions to carry out the purpose and intent of this resolution.
On September 14, 2021, by Motion No. 2021-09-14-1501, Council approved the use of $78,052,072 in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. The updated Council recommendations of priorities and distribution of funds in response to the federal allocation of funds through the ARPA $3,150,000 was allocated towards the purchase and installation of contactless restrooms in City parks.
On August 20, 2024, by Resolution No. 2024-08-20-1236, Council awarded a Construction Contract to Soracco, Inc. of Lodi, CA, the preferred Northern California installer for Exeloo Corporation (Exeloo), in the amount of $454,663, for the Installation of Five Contactless Park Restrooms (1.7 Touchless Restrooms), Project No. WP22016.
It is recommended that Council approve Construction Contract Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $1,088,560 with Soracco, Inc. to fund the installation of seven additional contactless park restrooms and electrical installation costs associated with first-round Exeloo installs, funded by ARPA and discretionary funds.
It is also recommended that Council adopt a resolution approving Notice of Exemption No. NOE51-24 under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and approving the plans and specifications for the projects. Upon approval of Construction Contract Amendment No. 1, the revised total contract amount will be $1,543,223.
Exeloo manufactures prefabricated restrooms that feature self-cleaning, alarms, and scheduled opening and closing. The contactless system performs when touched or if hands are waved before its components. The units feature automatic water, soap, toilet paper, and drying functions and are regularly shut down between uses to wash down the interior. The units are open from 6:00 a.m. through sundown and are automatically locked overnight. These restrooms have been in use at four parks, and park users have heralded their contactless operation as a welcome addition to the parks system.
With Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding, Public Works installed four contactless restrooms from Exeloo in Fiscal Year 2020-21. The first four units were installed in 2020 at Oak Park West, Victory Park East, Fremont, and Stribley Parks to replace badly damaged park restrooms.
On September 14, 2021, by Motion No. 2021-09-14-1501, Council approved the use of $78,052,072 in the ARPA Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. The updated Council recommendations of priorities and distribution of funds in response to the federal allocation of funds through the ARPA $3,150,000 was allocated towards the purchase and installation of contactless restrooms in City parks.
Soracco, Inc. of Lodi, CA, successfully installed these initial units. Soracco, Inc. has received on-site training from Exeloo on best installation practices and procedures. Exeloo has recognized Soracco, Inc. as the preferred Northern California installer for its attention to detail and skill with a new and unique product. Soracco, Inc. has installed the most units for Exeloo in Northern California. Soracco, Inc. is a California A&B licensed general engineering and building contractor whose services include underground utilities, concrete, pump stations, mechanical and process piping, grading and paving, general building, on-call service, and commercial and industrial work.
On May 2, 2023, by Resolution No. 2023-05-02-1502, Council approved discretionary funding in the amount of $375,000 for the purchase and installation of an Exeloo restroom at Sousa Park.
On May 14, 2024, by Resolution No. 2024-05-14-1228, Council approved discretionary funding in the amount of $950,000 for the purchase and installation of an Exeloo restroom at Oak Park.
On August 20, 2024, by Resolution No. 2024-08-20-1236, Council awarded a Construction Contract to Soracco, Inc. of Lodi, CA, the preferred Northern California installer for Exeloo, in the amount of $454,663, for the Installation of Five Contactless Park Restrooms (1.7 Touchless Restrooms), Project No. WP22016. The restrooms are to be installed at American Legion Park, Eden Park, Mattie Harrell Park, Oak Park (East), and Victory Park (West).
Present Situation
The City purchased four two-stall and one three-stall Exeloo contactless restrooms from Exeloo with ARPA funds. These units will replace park restrooms that are subject to repeated vandalism or have been closed due to vandalism in City parks. New units will be installed at the following sites:
• Caldwell Park - The new unit will replace the restroom that was demolished due to arson.
• Dentoni Park - The new unit will replace frequently vandalized older restrooms.
• Grupe Park - The new unit will add a new restroom on the north side of the park.
• Sandman Park - The new unit will add a new restroom near the recently renovated all-accessible playground.
• William Brotherhood Park - The new unit will replace the frequently vandalized restrooms.
The City purchased two two-stall Exeloo contactless restrooms from Exeloo using discretionary funding, to be installed at the following sites:
• Oak Park - Near the Northern Little League baseball fields, which has been vandalized multiple times.
• Sousa Park - Installation of a new unit near the playground.
After fabrication, the units will be delivered to Stockton and will need to be installed at their final location. Exeloo does not provide installation services, and Soracco, Inc. is the preferred Northern California installer for Exeloo.
While acquiring permits for the first-round Exeloo installs, staff discovered Soracco, Inc.’s quote did not include the electrical costs required for each install location. Approval of Construction Contract Amendment No. 1 includes $127,080 in funding needed to complete the electrical installs for all five Exeloo units included in first-round installations.
It is recommended that Council approve Construction Contract Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $1,088,560 with Soracco, Inc. of Lodi, CA, for the installation of seven additional contactless park restrooms and electrical installation costs associated with first-round Exeloo installs.
The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of CEQA as specified under Section 15301(d) of the CEQA Guidelines. The activities related to this project constitute a discretionary project under the City’s jurisdiction and qualifies as a project that does not have a significant effect on the environment. The resolution will approve the filing of Notice of Exemption No. NOE51-24 under CEQA.
Pursuant to Stockton Municipal Code (SMC) section 3.68.070, Council may approve findings which support an exception to the competitive bidding process, including the use of a Single Available Source procurement. These findings include:
1. The City purchased seven prefabricated restrooms from Exeloo. Exeloo fabricates the restrooms in New Zealand and does not provide installation services.
2. Exeloo Automatic Public Restrooms are an extremely unique product with limited contractors having completed installations in the United States.
3. As the preferred Northern California installer for Exeloo, Soracco, Inc. has received on-site training from Exeloo on best installation practices and procedures.
4. Soracco, Inc. has successfully installed four units for the City of Stockton.
There is sufficient funding in the 1.7 Touchless Restrooms, Project No. WP22016; Souza Park Restroom, Project No. WP24032; and Oak Park Improvements, Project No. WP24044, to approve Construction Contract Amendment No. 1 with Soracco, Inc. in the amount of $1,088,560.
The revised total contract amount with Soracco, Inc. is increased to $1,543,223.
There is no impact to the City’s General Fund or any other unrestricted fund as a result of taking the recommended actions.