recommended action
It is recommended that the City Council authorize by motion:
1. A contract in the amount of $427,500 from the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Grant Award to Mark Thomas & Company Inc. for consulting services to prepare the Downtown Stockton Multimodal Transportation Network and Land Use Compatibility Action Plan; and
2. The execution of the Standard Agreement substantially similar in form to Attachment A.
It is also recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager, or designee, to take necessary and appropriate actions to carry out the purpose and intent of the motion.
The Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program was created to support the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) Mission: Provide a safe and reliable transportation network that serves all people and respects the environment. The San Joaquin Council of Governments, in collaboration with the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC), San Joaquin Regional Transit District (SJRTD), and staff from the Economic Development Department (EDD), successfully applied for funding under the Strategic Partnerships category for the Downtown Stockton Multimodal Transportation Network and Land Use Compatibility Action Plan (Action Plan). The City of Stockton was identified as a sub-applicant, and SJCOG was listed as the primary applicant.
On December 5, 2023, City Council adopted a resolution to accept and appropriate the $450,000 Caltrans grant award (Attachment B - Resolution 2023-12-05-1205). The award will enable the creation of a comprehensive multimodal transportation and land use study within the City’s Downtown.
In May 2024, the City published a Request for Proposals (RFP) to identify and select a firm to conduct all activities required under the Caltrans grant for the creation of the Action Plan. The City received four proposals and after thorough review and scoring of the proposals, staff selected Mark Thomas & Company. Staff recommends approval of a contract in the amount of $427,500 with Mark Thomas & Company Inc. to prepare the Action Plan and to conduct all associated activities, including community outreach.
The City of Stockton has partnered with SJCOG, San Joaquin Regional Transit District (SJRTD), and San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC) on joint projects and funding opportunities in the past. Successful examples have included the Miner Avenue Complete Streets Project, the California Street Multimodal Corridor Project, Channel Street Improvements, and the Grand View Village housing development in Downtown Stockton. The creation of a Downtown Stockton Multimodal Transportation Network and Land Use Compatibility Action Plan will identify future opportunities to enhance economic conditions within the Downtown.
The activities to be conducted as part of the Plan’s development include stakeholder outreach and public engagement, an equity and displacement analysis, and an alternatives analysis involving a series of benefit cost analyses and economic impact studies. The resulting Plan will propose infrastructure and programmatic recommendations for advancing joint-development at Cabral Station and transit-oriented development in the Downtown. The Plan will develop a vision for a safe and vibrant community that integrates the future multimodal transportation network with infill development opportunities.
The Plan will advance the goals and objectives of the City’s adopted Economic Development Strategic Action Plan (EDSAP). In particular, the EDSAP outlines a broad strategy for transforming Downtown into a thriving, connected City Center through infrastructure upgrades, multimodal corridor strategies, and full-spectrum housing development. The EDSAP also prioritizes state-facing activities to attract funding for the City of Stockton and supports opportunities for economic mobility for all residents.
Present Situation
With the award of $450,000 through the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program, the City has until February 2026 to complete the full scope of work. The grant expiration date is June 30, 2026 and activities will commence upon approval and execution of the contract with Mark Thomas & Company. EDD staff will be responsible for overseeing the grant activities and deliverables, as well as ensuring compliance with the match requirements of the grant.
The proposed contract with Mark Thomas & Company Inc. is included as Attachment A and outlines the full spectrum of activities that the contractor will complete during the term of the contract. The primary objective is to develop an Action Plan that will seek to enhance the multimodal connections between the existing Downtown Transit Center, Robert J. Cabral Train Station, and the San Joaquin Street Station. To do this, the contractor will analyze the Downtown Stockton existing mobility and land use conditions, identify constraints and areas of opportunity, and propose infrastructure and programmatic recommendations. Project implementation will involve an existing conditions analysis, stakeholder and public engagement, an equity and displacement analysis, an alternatives analysis of potential scenarios, a project strategy and action plan, and a summary report. The alternative analysis will include a benefit-cost analysis and economic impact study for all scenarios so that projects or initiatives can be ranked relative to their cost and benefit to the community.
Throughout the term of the grant, the contractor and EDD staff will coordinate closely with other City Departments on the performance of activities, including the Community Development Department (CDD) and Public Works (PW) Department. For example, the existing conditions analysis will require input from PW on the state of pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and vehicular networks, while CDD staff will help to inform the market conditions, land, use, and housing needs assessment. As the alternatives analysis is developed, CDD and PW staff will have an opportunity to provide input on recommendations related to complete streets, joint development, transit-oriented development, and multimodal connectivity.
The final project strategy and Action Plan will integrate feedback from CDD and PW staff so that the preferred alternative is consistent with, and complementary to, the Capital Improvement Program, Envision Stockton 2040 General Plan, and EDSAP. During implementation of the Action Plan, staff will coordinate to identify funding opportunities, pursue joint grant applications, and advance the recommended strategies over time.
Staff recommends approval of a Standard Agreement, substantially similar in form to Attachment A, in the amount of $427,500 with Mark Thomas & Company Inc. to prepare the Downtown Stockton Multimodal Transportation Network and Land Use Compatibility Action Plan, as funded by the $450,000 award through the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program.
There is no impact to the General Fund from this action. The total award through the Caltrans grant is $450,000, with 5% of the award retained for project and grant administration by SJCOG and the City of Stockton - equating to $14,700 for the City of Stockton’s administration of the project and $7,800 for SJCOG’s administration of the grant. Prior Council action to accept the grant award (Resolution 2023-12-05-1205) authorized $18,500 in local match from the City of Stockton, to be met through an in-kind contribution of staff time and funded with budgeted salaries in EDD’s General Fund.
The remaining amount of the reimbursable grant award ($427,500) is being recommended for contracting with Mark Thomas & Company for the completion of the Action Plan and associated activities. There is sufficient budget in the Special Grant Fund, Reimbursement Grants sub-fund, in the Economic Development division account, to support the contract award.
Attachment A - Standard Agreement
Attachment B - Resolution 2023-12-05-1205