File #: 25-0273    Version: 1
Type: New Business
In control: City Council/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency/Public Financing Authority/Parking Authority Concurrent
Final action:
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Vicinity Map, 2. Attachment B - Professional Services Contract, 3. PPT - 15.1 - Miracle Mile Pedestrian Safety




recommended action



It is recommended that the City Council approve a motion to:


1.                     Approve findings pursuant to Stockton Municipal Code section 3.68.070 in support of an exception to the competitive bidding process.


2.                     Award a Professional Services Contract to Siegfried Engineering, Inc. of Stockton, CA, in the amount of $2,194,000 for design of the Miracle Mile Pedestrian Safety Improvements and Revitalization, Project No. WT24043/PLBP-5008(203).


It is also recommended that the City Manager be authorized to take appropriate and necessary actions to carry out the purpose and intent of this motion.





The Miracle Mile is located on Pacific Avenue from Alpine Avenue to Harding Way (Attachment A). In 2022, Assembly Bill (AB) 179 granted $20,000,000 to the City for pedestrian crossing upgrades, public safety improvements, and revitalization of the Miracle Mile.


On November 19, 2024, by Motion No. 2024-11-19-1214, Council approved the Pre-Qualified Design Consulting Firms List for the Miracle Mile Pedestrian Safety Improvements and Revitalization, Project No. WT24043/PLBP-5008(203). Only consulting firms from the pre-qualified list were allowed to submit a design proposal for the project.


On November 26, 2024, the City advertised a Request for Proposals (RFP) to the pre-qualified consulting firms for design of the Miracle Mile Pedestrian Safety Improvements and Revitalization, Project No. WT24043/PLBP-5008(203). On January 21, 2025, all seven pre-qualified consulting firms submitted a proposal for this project. The Selection Committee evaluated the proposals and found Siegfried Engineering, Inc. of Stockton, CA, to be the most qualified firm to perform the scope of work for design services on this project.


It is recommended that Council approve a motion authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Contract, in the amount of $2,194,000, with Siegfried Engineering, Inc. for design services. It is anticipated that the design will be completed by fall 2026.








The Miracle Mile is located on Pacific Avenue from Alpine Avenue to Harding Way and Harding Way from El Dorado Street to Lincoln Street (Attachment A). In 2022, AB 179 granted $20,000,000 to the City for pedestrian crossing upgrades, public safety improvements, and revitalization of the Miracle Mile. The legislation called for the formation of an Ad Hoc Workgroup comprised of members of the community. This workgroup provided recommendations in a Conceptual Design Report to the City on how to best achieve these safety and revitalization goals. The Conceptual Design Report generally notes improvements relating to public safety, improved pedestrian crossings, lighting enhancements, and other revitalization improvements. The Conceptual Design Report also recommends improvements to Caldwell Park, which is at the northern end of the Miracle Mile.


On November 19, 2024, by Motion No. 2024-11-19-1214, Council approved the Pre-Qualified Design Consulting Firms List for the Miracle Mile Pedestrian Safety Improvements and Revitalization, Project No. WT24043/PLBP-5008(203). Only consulting firms from the pre-qualified list were allowed to submit a design proposal for the project.


Present Situation


On November 26, 2024, the City advertised an RFP to the pre-qualified consulting firms for design of the Miracle Mile Pedestrian Safety Improvements and Revitalization, Project No. WT24043/PLBP-5008(203). On January 21, 2025, proposals were received from the seven pre-qualified consulting firms:


1.                     BKF Engineers, Inc. (Sacramento, CA)

2.                     Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. (Sacramento, CA)

3.                     RHAA Landscape Architecture & Planning (Mill Valley, CA)

4.                     RRM Design Group (San Leandro, CA)

5.                     Siegfried Engineering, Inc. (Stockton, CA)

6.                     Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (Modesto, CA)

7.                     Wood Rodgers, Inc. (Sacramento, CA)


The Selection Committee, comprised of Public Works and Economic Development staff, reviewed the proposals and conducted interviews with all seven consulting firms. The evaluation was based on the consulting firm’s understanding of work, experience with similar kinds of projects, team qualifications, project approach, interview performance, and cost. Siegfried Engineering, Inc. and their subconsultant team was ranked as the most qualified firm based on the noted criteria. Staff negotiated a fee in the amount of $2,194,000 with Siegfried Engineering, Inc. for design services. The fee is approximately 11 percent of the project cost, which is reasonable for a project of this type and complexity. 


Siegfried Engineering, Inc.’s proposal includes modeling, master planning, estimating and phasing design for the entire Miracle Mile Pedestrian Safety Improvements and Revitalization project to 30% Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E).  Also, included in the proposal is full 100% design and construction administration services of the first phase of construction.  The first phase of construction is defined as the entire use of the $20,000,000 less design and management costs. 


To fully deliver the concepts and desires, the Ad-Hoc Committee proposed in their report additional grant funding will be needed.  Siegfried Engineering, Inc.’s service contract includes writing grants to help secure funding to keep the project moving forward.  As grant funding is acquired throughout the project, Siegfried Engineering, Inc. will advance the overall project from 30% design to 100% design completion by phases utilizing awarded grant funds.


It is recommended that Council approve a motion authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $2,194,000 to Siegfried Engineering, Inc. for design services of the Miracle Mile Pedestrian Safety Improvements and Revitalization project. It is anticipated that the design will be completed by fall 2026.




Pursuant to Stockton Municipal Code (SMC) section 3.68.070, Council may approve findings which support an exception to the competitive bidding process. These findings include:


1.                     The City does not have sufficient staff and expertise to design this project.


2.                     Use of the RFP process is appropriate for this Professional Services Contract because it relies on the evaluation of professional qualifications and performance as the basis for selection of a vendor. Use of the criteria helps ensure selection of a vendor that will provide the highest quality professional service, which is in the public interest.


3.                     The City negotiated a contract following solicitation of competitive proposals in accordance with SMC section 3.68.070.A.3.




There is sufficient funding available in the Miracle Mile Pedestrian Safety Improvements and Revitalization, Project No. WT24043/PLBP-5008(203), to award a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $2,194,000 to Siegfried Engineering, Inc. of Stockton, CA.


There is no impact to the City’s General Fund or any other unrestricted fund as a result of taking the recommended actions.


Attachment A - Vicinity Map

Attachment B - Professional Services Contract with Siegfried Engineering, Inc.