A. The meeting will be conducted in accordance with Rosenberg’s Rules of Order.
B. Each person wishing to address the Planning Commission is encouraged to fill out a speaker card located at the
podium. Each speaker will then be called forward to the podium to speak in the order in which their speaker card
was received. Speakers are encouraged but not required to provide their name and address when speaking before
the Commission.
The City of Stockton invites public comments in multiple forms. You provide your comments by using one of these
1. Email - you may email your comments to city.clerk@stocktonca.gov
2. Voicemail - you can leave a voice message by dialing (209) 937-8459.
3. In-Person Comments - a) Speakers must submit "request to speak cards" to the Clerk prior to the Public
Comment portion of the agenda. No speaker cards will be accepted after the close of Public Comment. Please
redirect any inquiries to City.Clerk@stocktonca.gov. b) Address only issues over which the meeting body has
jurisdiction. c) Each speaker will be limited to one 2-minute comment opportunity. Donating time is not authorized.
d) Your time will be displayed on the speaker podium for convenience.
*All written and voicemail public comments received by the Clerk's Office 90 minutes prior to the meeting start time
will be forwarded to the meeting body members as correspondence and attached the minutes. All comments
received after that time will be forwarded as correspondence the following business day.
C. All questions from members of the audience to the Planning Commission and/or city staff members shall be
directed to the Chairperson of the Planning Commission.
All questions from Planning Commission members to staff shall be addressed directly to staff from the member
asking the question.
No personal comments and/or exchanges will be permitted between members of the audience and individual staff
or Commission members. Rather, direction shall be given to staff to follow-up on any issues brought before the
Commission. This rule applies to communications outside of the public hearing process.
D. Information presented to the Commission shall only pertain directly to the item under consideration. Character
assassinations, personal feuds, irrelevant data or repetitions of matters already presented shall not be permitted.
E. All rules of Decorum pursuant to Council Policy 4.07- Rules for Conduct of City Council Meetings apply equally
to this Commission.
Agendas, staff reports and minutes can be viewed on the City of Stockton web
State legislation requires disclosure of campaign contributions of $250 or more, made to any Planning
Commissioner, by any person who actively supports or opposes any application pending before the Planning
Commission, and such person has a financial interest in the decision. Active support or opposition includes
lobbying a Commissioner and/or testifying for or against such an application. Any person having made a $250 or
larger contribution within the preceding 12 months must disclose that fact during the public hearing or on said
The official City Planning Commission policy is that applications pending before this Commission should not be
discussed with the Commission members outside of a public hearing. If any representations are made privately,
they must be identified and placed in the public record at the time of the hearing.
If you challenge the proposed action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else
raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning
Commission, at, or prior to, the public hearing.